Taejoong (Tijay) Chung is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science department at Virginia Tech and Adjunct Professor at the Computer Science department at POSTECH. Before joining Virginia Tech, he spent 2 years at RIT as an Assistant Professor and 3 years at Northeastern university as a postdoc. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University in 2015. His work focuses on Internet security, privacy implications, and Internet measurement. He received the NSF CAREER Award and Outstanding New Assistant Professor at the College of Engineering, Virginia Tech in 2024. He was a Mentor at Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS), Internet Society in 2023. He received the ACM CCS Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (2022), IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (2019), ACM IMC Distinguished Paper Award (2019), NSF CRII Award (2019), and USENIX Security Distinguished Paper Award (2017).